The Website is being Reconfigured. Please click HERE for Council Minutes

Freeport City Hall Limited Access until Further Notice
City Staff will continue to work in a limited capacity to provide Essential City Services. You are encouraged to connect with city staff through the city website, by phone and email. If you have business that is time-sensitive and must be conducted in person, call 320-836-2112 to make an appointment. City Staff will do their best to accommodate your request.
Email: City Clerk-Treasurer – joan@freeportmn.org
Email: Administrative Assistant – lori@freeportmn.org
- Utilize our Drop Box located in the front of the building.
- Mail to: Freeport City Hall, PO Box 301, Freeport, MN 56331
In Case of Emergencies please call: 320-333-6453
Will also be closed for rentals and group meetings. Phone 320-836-2900

From Freeport Fire & Rescue Chief Andy Grieve
The Freeport Fire & Rescue Department WILL continue to respond to all calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. To protect our department members and their families, we will be making some changes in our response protocol. We are asking for your cooperation to limit the spread of COVID-19 disease.
- Please answer the dispatcher’s questions truthfully.
- When the Department arrives to your emergency, we will be keeping a safe, physical distance until we have all our protective equipment on. You may be handed a mask to wear, and/or asked to sit outside while we respond to your emergency.
- We will be limiting the number of emergency personnel to 2 or 3 individuals that are in direct contact with you.
These slight changes are to mitigate the chance of our local, emergency responders from having to be place into self-quarantine. If we must place our responders into self-quarantine, that makes it more challenging to respond to others who may also need help.
Please follow the CDC’s and the MDH’s guidance to minimize the spread.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Cover your cough and sneezes
- Avoid close contact
- Stay home if you are sick or feeling ill
MN Dept of Heath Guidelines:
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention:

Help Preserve, Protect & Maintain this iconic symbol that stands beside this small Central Minnesota Farming Community.
Have you seen it? Has it been your pitstop when traveling I-94 on a long trip through Central Minnesota? Or does that smile you see tell you…”You’re Almost Home”. Maybe you have stopped in this small farming community and looked up to see this friendly grin.
Erected in 1920 after the original wood water tower burned down. The Village of Freeport raised over $12,000.00! Now 100 years later, that iconic symbol, with pleasant eyes and friendly smile has smiled upon travelers for decades.
The Freeport Preservation Committee is leading the fund-raising effort on behalf of our residents and business community to preserve this famous smiling water tower.
Due to the cost of maintaining and repainting, we are reaching out to everyone far and near. Please help keep this smiling skyline for our community and all those travelers needing a smile to brighten their day.
$75,000.00 is the fund-raising goal. Anything you can contribute to preserve this piece of history that stands to put a smile on your face would be appreciated.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email at:
Like our Facebook Page for updates and ways to contribute:
Also on GoFundME: gf.me/u/xm5pu2