Craft Store proposal by Joe & Julie Karsky

The regular meeting of the Freeport EDA Board was called to order by President Matt Worms at 12:10 P.M. with members Matt Worms, Andy Welle, Jim Hemker, Carrie Goebel and Mason Schirmer present. Member Bud Heidgerken was absent.

Hemker moved and Welle seconded a motion to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

Welle moved and Goebel seconded a motion to approve the April 15, 2013 minutes. Motion carried 4-0.

Review Membership
Schirmer said Rodney Atkinson had been inquiring about how EDA members are approved by City Council. Schirmer said there is no specified time as to when the Mayor’s appointment must be approved. Hemker said Atkinson had visited with him multiple times regarding the same issue. The EDA asked Schirmer to review the bylaws of the EDA and propose revisions at the next council meeting, specifically regarding membership.

Worms said all EDA members may need to be approved/re-approved by City Council, to ensure compliance with the ordinance.

Industrial Park Post Cards
Schirmer said he was aware of post cards addressed to businesses throughout Minnesota; however, he was unaware of the reason for the post cards or their origination. Worms said Victoria Holthaus had a list of businesses and was intending on notifying them of the available lots in the industrial park. Schirmer said he would research the communication project and potentially ask Holthaus for more information.

Other None.

OLD BUSINESS Craft/Hobby Store Update

Schirmer said he contacted Joe Karsky after the previous EDA meeting, thanked Joe & Julie for their informative presentation, and told Joe no formal request for help was presented and the EDA may be willing to help the new business. Karsky said the project was on hold due to a lack of financing.

Xcel Energy Substation
Schirmer said Xcel Energy has expressed interest in constructing a new substation on the west edge of town. Schirmer said Xcel is in negotiations to purchase property, and that Xcel would like to have a new substation online before Fall 2014.

Redevelopment of the Old Creamery Site
Schirmer said Heidi Pepper will be looking into potential new state funding options, and will be in touch. Schirmer said he will be meeting with Northland Securities soon to discuss funding strategies.

Hemker said the city is in need of more patio homes, especially to meet the demand of senior citizens. Hemker said the two proposed fourplex homes for the old creamery site would not be enough to meet demand. Hemker suggested that the EDA consider encouraging a new housing development in the northwest area of town, a development tailored to seniors. Welle, Worms and Goebel favored the idea.

Goebel left the meeting at 1:00 P.M.

Hemker volunteered to contact the owner of the property which would be developed, to determine if the property owner is even interested in selling land.

Worms moved and Hemker seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:19 P.M. Motion carried 3-0.

Matthew Worms, President                            Mason Schirmer, Secretary

